miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015

The Way to Go - Book Review

I finished this book a long time ago...but somehow...I never wrote a review for it...sorry about that -:P

This book has 629 pages, so it's really big...

The book is really good and it's a really nice and comprehensive guide for anyone learning Go...

It's full...and I mean it...full of examples! -:D

And I might be getting picky here...but I would have appreciate more images -:)

The books of course goes along installing Go, explain it's syntax and touch interesting topics like Interfaces and Reflection, Error-Handling and Testing and hooking up with Google App Engine.

I would like to say more about it...but sadly...it's been a while since I finished it...so my last words are only...if you're new to Go...this is really good book to begin with...if you have some Go experience...it's up to you...


Development Culture.

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