The concept is the same...we create a PhantomJS script that will read a "user" Twitter page and get the hashtags of the first 5's the PhantomJS script...
Hashtags.js |
var system = require('system'); var webpage = require('webpage').create(); webpage.viewportSize = { width: 1280, height: 800 }; webpage.scrollPosition = { top: 0, left: 0 }; var userid = system.args[1]; var profileUrl = "" + userid;, function(status) { if (status === 'fail') { console.error('webpage did not open successfully'); phantom.exit(1); } var i = 0, top, queryFn = function() { return document.body.scrollHeight; }; setInterval(function() { top = webpage.evaluate(queryFn); i++; webpage.scrollPosition = { top: top + 1, left: 0 }; if (i >= 5) { var twitter = webpage.evaluate(function () { var twitter = []; forEach = Array.prototype.forEach; var tweets = document.querySelectorAll('[data-query-source="hashtag_click"]');, function(el) { twitter.push(el.innerText); }); return twitter; }); twitter.forEach(function(t) { console.log(t); }); phantom.exit(); } }, 3000); }); |
Now...what I want to do with this to send it to Haskell...and get the most used I will summarize them and then get rid of the ones that only appear less than 5 times...
Let's see the Haskell code...
hashtags.hs |
import System.Process import Data.List hashTags :: String -> IO() hashTags(user) = do let x = readProcess "phantomjs" ["--ssl-protocol=any","Hashtags.js",user] [] y <- x mapM_ print $ sortBy sortGT $ count y count :: String -> [(String,Int)] count xs = filter ((>=5).snd) $ map(\ws -> (head ws, length ws)) $ group $ sort $ words xs sortGT :: (Ord a, Ord a1) => (a1, a) -> (a1, a) -> Ordering sortGT (a1, b1) (a2, b2) | b1 < b2 = GT | b1 > b2 = LT | b1 == b2 = compare a1 a2 |
The nice thing about this app is that we can pass any username as parameter and the result is going to nicely ordered and filtered...another reason to love Haskell -;)
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