martes, 23 de septiembre de 2008

Learning Flex 3

Yep...I'm learning Flex 3...I already know Flex 2...But Flex 3 got a lot of cool features that are worth to be learned -:)

Andre Salazar from Adobe kindly give this little pocket book Getting Started with Flex 3: An Adobe Developer Library Pocket Guide

Even when the book is pretty small book, both in size and number of pages...Is a must for Flex 3 newcomers and pretty interesting for Flex 2 users looking for some Flex 3 action...

If you can...Buy this book...If you can't...Well...You better find a way to get it -;)



1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Hi Blag,

Managed to leave my copy on the plane back to Norway, but managed to browse through it first. Good introduction to the language.
