viernes, 1 de agosto de 2014

Learn You Some Erlang for great good! - Book review

Today...just a couple of minutes ago...I finished reading Learn You Some Erlang for great good! and I must say...I'm both joyful and tired -:)

The book is huge...not's "OMFG this book is huge"...with 628 pages...and lots...lots of examples...

This book is so good that it's actually considered part of the Erlang standard documentation...or something like that...or at least...that's how I think it should be considered...

The book starts with the basics of Erlang (the one's that make you brain hurt)...and then keeps moving forward introducing things like Concurrency, Multiprocessing, Supervisors, OTP, Event Handlers and more...much more...

Reading this book will give all the tools and knowledge necessary to start building applications...

If you have never heard of Erlang before and want to give it a try...this is totally the book for you...but...a word of warning...this book is full of content...that it could easily overwhelm you and make your brain hurt even more...

Now that I have finished the book...I think I will constantly come back to re-read some chapters as I need them...gladly...with some many examples it's easy to grasp most of the concepts at least in a slight way...

Of course...I'm still a my next book (with review of course) it's going to be Programming Erlang (Software for a Concurrent World) written by Joe Amstrong (one the creators of Erlang)... can read Learn You Some Erlang for great good! online


Development Culture.

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