LED_Numbers.ml |
open Core.Std let get_leds number = let leds = [0, [" _ ";"| | ";"|_| "]; 1, [" ";"| ";"| "]; 2, [" _ ";" _| ";"|_ "]; 3, ["_ ";"_| ";"_| "]; 4, [" ";"|_| ";" | "]; 5, [" _ ";"|_ ";" _| "]; 6, [" _ ";"|_ ";"|_| "]; 7, ["_ ";" | ";" | "]; 8, [" _ ";"|_| ";"|_| "]; 9, [" _ ";"|_| ";" _| "]] in for i = 0 to 2 do for j = 0 to String.length(number) - 1 do let line = List.Assoc.find_exn leds (int_of_string(Char.to_string(number.[j]))) in printf "%s" (List.nth_exn line i) done; print_string "\n" done let () = print_string "Enter a number: " let num = read_line() in get_leds num |
The funny thing is that at first I tried to translate my previous Julia and Go codes...but then I remembered that even when OCaml can be made into some sort of an imperative language...it's actually Functional in its core...so I said...Ok...I need to reuse my Haskell code...but somehow I start thinking about a new whole different way of doing it...and I think I came out with a more cleaner and well done version...which is something that only learning a new programming language can give you...a new way of thinking about old problems -;)
Here are the screenshots as always -:)
Development Culture.
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