the end it's working fine, so I'm quite happy -:)
Mercury has a lot of pretty convenient just need to find them out -;)
led_numbers.m |
:- module led_numbers. :- interface. :- import_module io. :- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det. :- implementation. :- import_module list, string, int, array, char. :- pred get_leds(list.list(character)::in, list.list(character)::in, int::in, list.list(string)::out ) is det. get_leds(LDIGITS, LDIGITS_AUX, N, RESPONSE) :- ( LEDS = array([array([" _ ","| | ","|_| "]), array([" ","| ","| "]), array([" _ "," _| ","|_ "]), array(["_ ","_| ","_| "]), array([" ","|_| "," | "]), array([" _ ","|_ "," _| "]), array([" _ ","|_ ","|_| "]), array(["_ "," | "," | "]), array([" _ ","|_| ","|_| "]), array([" _ ","|_| "," _| "]) ]), list.length(LDIGITS,LEN), ( if LEN > 0 then HEAD = det_head(LDIGITS), TAIL = det_tail(LDIGITS), char.to_int(HEAD, HEAD_I:int), HEAD_N:int = HEAD_I - 48, LINE = elem(HEAD_N, LEDS), SUB_LINE = elem(N, LINE), get_leds(TAIL, LDIGITS_AUX, N, RESULT), RESPONSE = [SUB_LINE] ++ RESULT else if N < 2 then get_leds(LDIGITS_AUX, LDIGITS_AUX, N+1, RESULT), RESPONSE = ["\n"] ++ RESULT else if N = 2 then RESPONSE = ["\n"] else RESPONSE = [] ) ). main(!IO) :- io.write_string("Enter a number: ",!IO), io.read_line_as_string(Result, !IO), ( if Result = ok(String), NUM = string.strip(String), to_char_list(NUM,LDIGITS), get_leds(LDIGITS, LDIGITS, 0, RESPONSE) then io.write_string(string.join_list("", RESPONSE), !IO) else io.write_string("Not a number...",!IO) ). | are the screens -;)
Hope you like it -;)
Development Culture.
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