Isn't that cool? Of course it is -:)
Now...Elm came to life around it's fairly new...which means not some many tutorials and no books that I know of...but...don't let that scare you away...there's actually a couple of awesome courses handled by The Pragmatic Studio that will help you to get up and running -;)
Elm: Building Reactive Web Apps
Elm: Signals, Mailboxes & Ports install Elm...if you have NodeJS already installed then you can simply use npm which is I guess the preferred and easier way...
sudo npm install elm
Otherwise just go the download section for the installers or for the source code to build it...but keep in mind that to build it you will need to have Haskell installed as well...
Anyway...we're going to see how to create a Fibonacci List app in Elm... -:)
Create a folder a call it "Fibonacci_App" and the go into it from the terminal...
elm package install evancz/elm-html
elm package install evancz/start-app
The first package is going allow us to generate HTML code and the second one is going to make our lives easier... your favorite editor and type this away...
Fibonacci.elm |
module Fibonacci where import Html exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import StartApp.Simple as StartApp import String exposing (toInt) --MODEL type alias Model = { number: String, fibonacci: String } initialModel: Model initialModel = { number = "", fibonacci = "" } --UPDATE parseInt : String -> Int parseInt string = case String.toInt string of Ok value -> value Err error -> 0 type Action = NoOp | Submit | UpdateNumber String update: Action -> Model -> Model update action model = case action of NoOp -> model UpdateNumber contents -> { model | number = contents } Submit -> { model | fibonacci = fib (parseInt model.number) 0 1, number = "" } fib: Int -> Int -> Int -> String fib num a b = if a > 0 && num > 1 then toString(a+b) ++ " " ++ fib (num-1) (a+b) a else if a == 0 then toString a ++ " " ++ toString b ++ " " ++ toString(a+b) ++ " " ++ fib(num-1) (a+b) b else "" --VIEW buttonStyle: Attribute buttonStyle = style [ ("outline", "none"), ("border", "none"), ("border-radius","4px"), ("margin-right","5px"), ("padding","4px 10px"), ("background","#61a1bc"), ("color","#fff") ] divStyle: Attribute divStyle = style [ ("margin", "50px auto"), ("padding", "0px 50px"), ("text-align", "center") ] pStyle: Attribute pStyle = style [ ("font-size", "30px") ] pageHeader : Html pageHeader = h1 [ ] [text "Fibonacci List"] view: Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html view address model = div [ divStyle ] [ pageHeader, input [ type' "text", name "number", placeholder "Enter a number", value model.number, on "input" targetValue (\v -> Signal.message address (UpdateNumber v)) ] [ ], button [ buttonStyle, onClick address Submit ] [ text "Submit" ], p [ pStyle ] [ text (model.fibonacci) ] ] main: Signal Html main = StartApp.start { model = initialModel, view = view, update = update } |
Now, we just need to compile our application -;)
elm make Fibonacci.elm --output Fibonaccci.html
Now, we can just open that Fibonacci.html file and test our app -:D
Hope you like it -:) I will try to get my LED_Numbers app ready soon -;)
Development Culture.
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