If you're a Twitter addict, like me -;) You should be aware of Tinypaste and TwitPic, two wonderful Twitter companions...But are you aware of Twitwall?
This free service created by Michael E. Carluen provides the same functionality as Tinypaste and TwitPic with some more cool features...Let's see some pictures...

You first notice that the interface is very similar to Twitter, but you can change font size and color -:)

You got a very nice RichText editor with the change to include pictures on the same post...

The pictures gets embed in your post...And yes...I attached the same picture as above -:) Have you noticed that you can actually add a title and description to your post?

On Twitter you see the title, and a link send you to Twitwall to see both the picture and the description on your post.
After seeing this...Why you haven't create you account yet? You even got Twitter Grader inside you account -:D