I own a BlackBerry Pearl 8100 with OS and had download this wonderful app's and games -:)

Great, fun and difficult game.

A Tetris clone...everybody loves Tetris -;)
Quick Stop Watch

Simple and useful stop watch application.
The Weather Network

It's raining Mike...it's raining...
Medieval Kings Chess 2
(Go to Mobile.BlackBerry.com then Games and finally Free Games.)

Totally awesome game! I suck at Chess...and still love this game -;)

Great clone of an all time classic game.
Opera Mini

Best Berry browser...
Google Mobile App

A must have! Includes GMail, GMaps, News, Reader, Calendar, Docs, Photos, Notebook.
Google Sync

Sync your google stuff with you Berry...stay always update -;)
Mobipocker Reader

I just can't live without this! Read PDF books on your Berry! -:D
Got any other free great App or Game? Please let me know -:)
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