This time, I want to extend the tool as I installed the Rook library on my RStudio -:)
So..what is Rook? Nothing more that just a nice Web Server for R...something that I was really missing in R when compared to Ruby (Sinatra, Camping) or Python (Bottle, Flask).
The idea here is that we request a Twitter username and then provide the list with the "Bad People". Here's the source code...
require("Rook") Get_Twitter_Info<-function(p_source){ web_page<-readLines(p_source) mypattern = '<id>([^<]*)</id>' datalines = grep(mypattern,web_page,value=TRUE) getexpr = function(s,g)substring(s,g,g+attr(g,'match.length')-1) g_list = gregexpr(mypattern,datalines) matches = mapply(getexpr,datalines,g_list) result = gsub(mypattern,'\\1',matches) names(result) = NULL return(result) } Get_Screen_Name<-function(p_userid){ user_url<-paste("", p_userid,"&include_entities=false") web_page<-readLines(user_url) mypattern = '<screen_name>([^<]*)</screen_name>' datalines = grep(mypattern,web_page,value=TRUE) getexpr = function(s,g)substring(s,g,g+attr(g,'match.length')-1) g_list = gregexpr(mypattern,datalines) matches = mapply(getexpr,datalines,g_list) screen_name = gsub(mypattern,'\\1',matches) names(screen_name) = NULL return(screen_name) } trim <- function(x){ x<-gsub(' ','',x) return(x) } newapp<-function(env){ req<-Rook::Request$new(env) res<-Rook::Response$new() res$write('<form method="POST">\n') res$write('Enter your Twitter username: <input type="text" name="UserName">\n') res$write('<input type="submit" name="Get Bad People!">') res$write('</form>') People_Id<-"" Bad_People<-c() Bad_Names<-c() j<-0 if (!is.null(req$POST())) { UserName = req$POST()[["UserName"]] followers_link<-paste("",UserName) following_link<-paste("",UserName) followers_link<-trim(followers_link) following_link<-trim(following_link) followers<-Get_Twitter_Info(followers_link) following<-Get_Twitter_Info(following_link) for(i in 1:length(following)) { j<-j+1 if(j>=100){ j<-0 People_Id<-substring(People_Id,2) Bad_People<-Get_Screen_Name(People_Id) Bad_Names<-append(Bad_Names,Bad_People) People_Id<-"" } Match<-following[i] %in% followers if(Match == TRUE){ } else{ following[i]<-trim(following[i]) People_Id<-paste(People_Id,following[i],sep=",") } } } for(i in 1:length(Bad_Names)) { res$write(paste(' ',Bad_Names[i],sep=' ')) res$write('<BR>') } res$finish() } server = Rhttpd$new() server$add(app = newapp, name = "Twitter_Rook") server$start() server$browse("Twitter_Rook")
When we run the code, the browser will open automatically showing us the application.
For my first use of Rook, I think the application looks pretty nice...and hope those that doesn't follow me back...start doing it -:P
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