Disclaimer: This blog is based on my own personal experiences and it's not endorsed or supported by SAP. ODBC connection to SAP HANA is neither endorsed or supported by SAP, so it must be used under your own risk, no support will be provided.
As a Technology Evangelist, I'm always trying to generate new content to share with my fellow developers, so the other day I was doing some Node.JS learning and then, all of a sudden I remembered a programming language I used to use about 10 years ago...Euphoria...which is by the way called now OpenEuphoria as it went Open Source.
Why should anybody cared about Euphoria? Well...according to the site..."It's simpler than Basic and more powerful than C++"...I have use it again for this blog, and I gotta say, the haven't loose the magic...Euphoria is a lovely programming language with a huge library to choose from.
So...why do we need to start?
Download OpenEuphoria
Download ODBC Database Connectivity
Download wxEuphoria
For this blog, I tried to use my Windows 7, but the problem is that the ODBC connector doesn't work on 64bits, so I went to my Windows XP Virtual Machine and started the fun.
I created an ODBC connection to my Amazon Web Services called SAP_HANA and from there, it was just coding and fun.
To make things simple, I used the same approach I used for my blog SAP HANA and Python? Yes Sir! which is basically, connect to SAP HANA via ODBC, show a list of CARRIERS and CITY FROM's and the perform a query to gather and show data.
Euphoria_HANA.exw |
include wxeud.e as wxeud include odbc.e as odbc include std/sequence.e as seq global atom hconn, hstmt global sequence dsn_var, user, auth, msg, carrier_key global object data carrier_key = {} constant main = create( wxFrame, {0, -1, "Euphoria and SAP HANA", -1, -1, 450, 300}), win = create( wxPanel, main ), ldsn = create( wxStaticText, {win, -1, "DSN:",120, 60}), dsn = create( wxTextCtrl, {win, -1, "", 200, 55} ), lusername = create( wxStaticText, {win, -1, "Username:",120, 90}), username = create( wxTextCtrl, {win, -1, "", 200, 85} ), lpassword = create( wxStaticText, {win, -1, "Password:",120, 120}), password = create( wxTextCtrl, {win, -1, "", 200, 115, -1, -1, wxTE_PASSWORD} ), connect = create( wxButton, {win, -1,"Connect", 200, 150}) constant main2 = create( wxFrame, {0, -1, "Euphoria and SAP HANA", -1, -1, 450, 300}), win2 = create( wxPanel, main2 ), lcarrier = create( wxStaticText, {win2, -1, "Carrier:",120, 60}), carrier = create( wxComboBox, {win2, -1, "", 200, 55, -1, -1, {}}), lcityfrom = create( wxStaticText, {win2, -1, "City From:",120, 90}), cityfrom = create( wxComboBox, {win2, -1, "", 200, 85, -1, -1, {}}), show_query = create( wxButton, {win2, -1,"Show Query", 200, 120}) constant main3 = create( wxFrame, {0, -1, "Euphoria and SAP HANA", -1, -1, 600, 600}), win3 = create( wxPanel, main3 ), goback = create( wxButton, {win3, -1,"Go Back", 260, 1}), grid = create( wxGrid, {win3, -1, 1, 30, -1, -1, 1, 1, 6} ) function getConnected() if initODBC() > 0 then abort(0) end if dsn_var = get_text_value(dsn) user = get_text_value(username) auth = get_text_value(password) hconn = openConnectionODBC( dsn_var, user, auth ) if not hconn then message_box("Connection error","Error",wxOK) return 0 elsif hconn > 0 then msg = getErrorODBC( hconn ) message_box(msg[2],"Error",wxOK) return 0 else return 1 end if end function function getQuery(sequence sql) hstmt = prepareSQL( hconn, sql ) data = executeSQL( hstmt ) if hstmt > 0 then message_box("Query failed","Error",wxOK) end if if data > 0 then message_box("No data found","Error",wxOK) return 0 else data = {getColumnHeaders( hstmt )} & odbc:getData( hstmt ) return data end if end function function fillParameters(object data, atom pos, atom combo, atom key) sequence value, seq seq = {} if sequence( data ) then for i = 2 to length( data ) do value = remove_all(0,data[i][pos]) seq = append(seq, value) if key = 1 then value = remove_all(0,data[i][1]) carrier_key = append(carrier_key, value) end if end for wxeud:add_item(combo, seq) end if return 1 end function function fillCombos() sequence sql sql = "SELECT CARRID,CARRNAME FROM SFLIGHT.SCARR WHERE MANDT = 300" data = getQuery(sql) fillParameters(data, 2, carrier, 1) sql = "SELECT DISTINCT CITYFROM FROM SFLIGHT.SPFLI WHERE MANDT = 300" data = getQuery(sql) fillParameters(data, 1, cityfrom, 0) return 1 end function function initializeGrid() set_col_label(grid,0,"Carrier") set_col_label(grid,1,"Connection") set_col_label(grid,2,"Flight Date") set_col_label(grid,3,"Passenger Name") set_col_label(grid,4,"City From") set_col_label(grid,5,"City To") atom carrier_sel, len, row, col sequence sql, value carrier_sel = get_selection(carrier) + 1 sql = "SELECT SBOOK.CARRID,SBOOK.CONNID,FLDATE, " & "PASSNAME,CITYFROM,CITYTO" & " FROM SFLIGHT.SBOOK INNER JOIN SFLIGHT.SPFLI" & " ON SBOOK.CONNID = SPFLI.CONNID" & " WHERE SBOOK.CARRID = '" & carrier_key[carrier_sel] & "'" & " AND CITYFROM = '" & get_string_selection(cityfrom) & "'" & " AND PASSNAME >< ''" & " AND SBOOK.MANDT = 300" & " AND year(FLDATE) = 2012" & " ORDER BY FLDATE DESC" data = getQuery(sql) if sequence( data ) then row = 0 len = length( data ) - 2 if len < 0 then append_rows(grid,len) for i = 2 to length( data ) do col = 0 for j = 1 to 6 do value = remove_all(0,data[i][j]) set_cell_value(grid,value,row,col) col = col + 1 end for row = row + 1 end for end if end if set_grid_editable(grid,0) autosize_grid(grid) return 1 end function procedure Click_connect(atom this, atom event_type, atom id, atom event ) atom ans ans = getConnected() if ans = 1 then show_window(main,0) fillCombos() wxMain( main2 ) end if end procedure set_event_handler(connect, get_id(connect), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, routine_id( "Click_connect" )) procedure Click_show_query(atom this, atom event_type, atom id, atom event ) show_window(main2,0) initializeGrid() wxMain( main3 ) end procedure set_event_handler(show_query, get_id(show_query), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, routine_id( "Click_show_query" )) procedure Click_goback(atom this, atom event_type, atom id, atom event ) show_window(main3,0) clear_grid(grid) delete_rows(grid,1,get_number_rows(grid),0) show_window(main2,1) end procedure set_event_handler(goback, get_id(goback), wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, routine_id( "Click_goback" )) procedure main3_onClose( atom this, atom event_type, atom id, atom event ) destroy(main) destroy(main2) destroy(main3) end procedure set_event_handler( main3, get_id(main3), wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, routine_id("main3_onClose") ) wxMain( main ) |
Like people use to say...pics or it didn't happened...
As you can see...SAP HANA is pretty flexible and easy to use...no matter the programming language, you will get extra speed and the sense that you're things the right way.
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