No one can deny that Twitter is a huge success...Thanks to it many Microblogging sites appeared, by say,, Plurk, Pownce. Those sites are good, but most of the people who left Twitter slowly back to it...
Of course...Twitter is far from perfection...We must take a look at this nice pictures at least twice a day...

A lot have been already talked about the scalability problems of Twitter, they are using Rails, and planning to migrate to PHP...Meanwhile, we must suffer the consequences of a too rapidly grow system...
Many people just can't stop Tweeting...I'm one of them -;) I really feel bad if I can't post at least once a day...Or at least read what my friends are saying...
Another example, that it's not tightly related with Twitter but shows how can a website can be degrated is Hi5. It started as a good site, a good choice for Social Networking...But let's face it...It really sux right now...I got millions of users doing whatever they want with the system...I don't any Geek is using it anymore...In the same path is Facebook which is recently starting to take control over it's app's.
It's great to give user control over Social Networking sites, but when you give them enough rope...You take the risk of loosing everything...
I know that Twitter is not facing the same problems as those websites, but SPAM accounts
and people following millions of users (And those millions of users following millions of users), are slowly killing it...
Everyday I get notifications of people following me...99% of the times...I don't even know them, or the don't speak Spanish neither English, or they are not related to SAP, Programming or anything interesting. People follow people just to get millions of friends...Or to be the Promo Queens...Anyway, that's not a good thing...
I really love Twitter and I don't want it to die...But...Only time knows...

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